Cedar Shaving for Indoor and Outdoor Uses

Cedar Shaving for Indoor and Outdoor Uses


Cedar shavings have been cherished for centuries for their unique properties and versatility. Whether you're looking to spruce up your indoor spaces or enhance your garden, cedar shavings offer a natural, eco-friendly solution. Let's explore the various ways cedar shavings can be utilized both indoors and outdoors.

What are Cedar Shavings?

Cedar shavings are thin pieces of wood derived from cedar trees. Known for their aromatic scent and natural repellent properties, they are widely used in a variety of applications.

Overview of Uses

From repelling pests to enhancing the aroma of a room, cedar shavings are a multifunctional product that can improve both indoor and outdoor environments.

Cedar Shavings for Indoor Uses

Benefits of Cedar Shavings Indoors

Cedar shavings are celebrated for their aromatic properties, which can freshen the air in your home. Additionally, their natural oils act as a pest repellent, making them ideal for use in storage spaces.

  • Aromatic Properties: The pleasant scent of cedar can help mask less desirable odors in your home, creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere.
  • Pest Repellent: Cedar shavings can repel insects such as moths, making them a great choice for clothing storage areas.

Common Applications

  • Drawer Liners: Cedar shavings are commonly used as drawer liners to keep clothes smelling fresh and to repel moths.
  • Closet Fresheners: Placing cedar shavings in closets can help keep them free of pests and smelling fresh.
  • Pet Bedding: Cedar shavings can be used in pet bedding, though it's important to monitor pets for any allergic reactions.

Cedar Shavings for Outdoor Uses

Benefits of Cedar Shavings Outdoors

Cedar shavings are not only useful indoors but also offer numerous benefits outdoors. They can enhance soil quality, act as natural mulch, and help control pests.

  • Soil Amendment: Cedar shavings can improve soil structure by enhancing drainage and adding organic matter.
  • Natural Mulch: Used as mulch, cedar shavings help retain moisture in the soil and reduce weed growth.

Common Applications

  • Garden Beds: Cedar shavings can be spread in garden beds to improve soil quality and prevent weed growth.
  • Landscaping: They can be used in landscaping to create visually appealing and functional outdoor spaces.
  • Pest Control in Gardens: Cedar shavings can help deter pests in the garden, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

How to Use Cedar Shavings Effectively

Proper application of cedar shavings can maximize their benefits.

  • Preparing Cedar Shavings: Before use, ensure that the shavings are dry and free from any mold or mildew.
  • Application Techniques: Spread cedar shavings evenly in desired areas, such as around plants or in storage spaces.

Caring for Cedar Shavings

  • Maintenance Tips: Regularly check and replace cedar shavings to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Replacing Cedar Shavings: Depending on usage, replace cedar shavings every few months to ensure optimal performance.

Environmental Impact of Cedar Shavings

Cedar wood is a sustainable resource, and using cedar shavings can have positive environmental effects.

  • Sustainability of Cedar Wood: Cedar trees are often harvested sustainably, and their use in products like shavings supports responsible forestry practices.
  • Eco-friendly Benefits: Cedar shavings are biodegradable and offer a natural alternative to synthetic products.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While cedar shavings have many benefits, there are some considerations to keep in mind.

  • Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to cedar, so it's important to monitor for any adverse reactions.
  • Overuse Concerns: Using too many cedar shavings in one area can lead to an overwhelming scent or excessive moisture retention.


Cedar shavings are a versatile and eco-friendly product that can enhance both indoor and outdoor environments. From pest control to soil improvement, their numerous applications make them a valuable addition to any home or garden.


What are the primary uses of cedar shavings?

Cedar shavings are primarily used for pest control, as drawer liners, and in pet bedding. They are also used as a soil amendment and natural mulch in gardening.

Are cedar shavings safe for pets?

Cedar shavings are generally safe for pets, but some animals may have allergies or sensitivities. It's important to monitor pets for any adverse reactions.

How often should cedar shavings be replaced? The frequency of replacement depends on the use. For drawer liners and closet fresheners, every few months is recommended. In gardens, they can be replaced annually.

Can cedar shavings be used in compost? Yes, cedar shavings can be composted, but in large quantities, they may slow down the composting process due to their natural oils.

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